Sunday, December 18, 2011

Some Recent Mail

I have been sick for most of the week, so my mail day's had been piling up. I have some really nice PC stuff coming in and this lot is the start of it. Getting right into things is a nice Fuhr stick & jersey from 2006-07 ITG BTP. I really like the look of the card featuring Fuhr in the old school Oilers jersey.

Yes, the above two scans go together and yes this an ULTRA TOUGH blank back from this years OPC hockey set. I have looked EVERYWHERE for this card and I asked almost every single dealer at the Fall Toronto Sports Card Expo if they had this card with no luck. I had yet to see the card on eBay either, so I was lucky enough to have a fellow collector help me out with the where abouts of this card, trade for it and then sell it to me for a very low price. One of my favourite pick ups of the year considering how much time I spent tracking it down.

Next up is some jersey cards from the 05-06 Ultra Scoring Kings set. I busted a box of this product when I got back into collecting hockey and actually pulled the Jagr Scoring Kings Jersey. I needed some money so I sold the card and have regretted it ever since. I am very pleased to have this card back in my collection.

Finally, my mini PC for Ben Scrivens starts with this Certified Signature rookie. I really like the look of these rookies cards. I got this card for a pretty good price when a seller listed it as a buy it now right when the set was released.

Not sure what took me so long to get Montoya's regular FW auto. Very pleased to add this to the Montoya PC.

I have seen this card quite a bit but usually in the $15-$20 range on eBay for the "buy it now" listing. I waited it out for an auction listing and won the card for $2 plus shipping. I have always liked the "fresh ink" cards and it's nice to finally have one in my collection.

A few low end Montoya rookies to wrap up my post of recent pick ups. A pretty good week of mail and I knocked a nice amount of cards off my want list for around $40. I'm looking forward to the mail this week as I have some ITG Ultimate stuff on the way!

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